How Many Ideas Can You Mash into One Drawing?
Aurora-ception: Princess Aurora’s Aurora in Aurora with Aurora seeing the Aurora Translation: Princess Aurora from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty standing in front of her Oldsmobile Aurora in Aurora, Illinois with the Russian cruiser Aurora looking at the Aurora (northern lights). Once, I decided to draw an Oldsmobile Aurora. I love the understated gentlemanly 1990s sport sedan style that it has with a hidden grille and an American V8. Then, I got bored and I stopped, only having drawn the rear end, rear windshield, and rear wheels. After a few months, I uncovered my family's old RCA VCR player. We always had old tapes of our family taken from my dad's camcorder as well as some old movies on tapes. I immediately went to look up the manual on the Internet and plug it into our giant flat screen TV. One of the first tapes I watched was one of my sister's which had Disney's Sleeping Beauty on it. I was reminded of my Oldsmobile Aurora drawing from Princess A...